This application is a frequently applied procedure in aesthetic gynecology in recent years. G point injection is a modern application that increases self-confidence in women, facilitates sexual pleasure and stimulation, and improves lipids. The procedure consists of clarifying the point by injecting a filler (hyaluric acid, oil, etc.) into the anterior wall of the vagina, which is identified as a G-spot. With this practice, it is believed that this area becomes more sensitive and can be stimulated easily. This procedure is a minimally invasive method and aims to increase sensitivity during intercourse and increase satisfaction with friction. This process also increases the frequency and duration of orgasm in women. This procedure is a safe and painless procedure, takes 10 minutes in clinic conditions, is painless and painless. The most important success point in this procedure is the identification of the localized G-zone, which is different for each woman.
What is g-spot?
There are some erogenous points in the body of women and men that enable sexual interaction. At the beginning of these areas in women is the area called “G-spot”. The G spot is located on the anterior wall of the vagina, approximately 1-2 cm from the entrance to the vagina and close to the urinary tract. Capillaries are concentrated in this area. For this reason, it is expected to be one of the areas where eating pleasure is most. For this reason, we can easily say that the G spot is the most sensitive area of the vagina.
The G spot was first found by a gynecologist named Gräfenberg in the early 1950s. This point is an effective area of female sexual arousal, Grafenberg said, revealing that it is an important part of the female orgasm.
How do you find g-spot?
Although the G spot is thought to be located in an area on the anterior wall of the vagina about 2-3 cm behind the entrance to the vagina, the location of the G spot is not a completely fixed area. Therefore, various methods have been developed to determine this point. But the main purpose is to locate a place in the female vagina where sexual arousal, pleasure and orgasm occur. It is suggested that the easiest and simplest way to locate the G spot is to make a back and forth motion inside the vagina with a finger, it can be felt as a filling and prominent area by increasing the blood supply in that area. Some women feel that this area is thick and sensitive, when the sensation of urine occurs, it is easier to feel the G-spot on examination. But today, the G-spot is considered an area where arousal, bleeding and orgasm occur in women, not a point.
It will be beneficial for you to work with your partner, not alone, while finding your G-location. Your partner should apply upward pressure from inside the vagina with his index and middle finger, focus 2-3 cm above the anterior vaginal wall and continue to stimulate with rhythmic movements.
You may not find point G the first time, but don’t give up right away. Continue to guide your partner according to the pleasure you receive. Your reactions will accompany him to get to point G more easily.
When you reach orgasm with the G-spot, you will find that it is different from a clitoral orgasm. It’s normal to experience cramps and the sensation of urinating under your body. Later, you will realize that you have a lot of fun.
How to increase G spot?
Local G-Point Augmentation It is a simple procedure to increase women’s sexual pleasure and solve sexual problems in women. Although it is important to detect the area during the procedure, it may take about 10 minutes. G Spot Augmentation is performed under local anesthesia and the patient does not feel any pain. Fillers, hyaluronic acid or fat injections can be used for the G Spot Augmentation procedure. After the operation, the person who performed the operation can return to his normal life immediately.
What is the G Shot and why was it done?
The ideal women for the G Shot procedure are women who find it difficult to reach climax during intercourse. In short, it is to increase sexual pleasure, facilitate orgasm, and provide satisfactory orgasm. This procedure is unsuccessful in women who have never experienced an orgasm in their lives.
من الذي لا يجب أن يحصل على G Shot؟
لا ينبغي تطبيق G Shot في الحالات التالية.
أثناء الحمل
المرضى الذين لم يسبق لهم تجربة النشوة الجنسية خلال حياتهم الجنسية
أولئك الذين يعانون من اضطرابات الجهاز المناعي ،
أولئك الذين يعانون من مشاكل النزيف والتجلط ،
أولئك الذين لديهم عدوى في منطقة التطبيق.
النساء المصابات بضيق نفسي
النساء المصابات بتضخم وتشوه مهبلي متقدم
هل يمكن إجراء عملية تكبير الجي سبوت مع عمليات تجميل الأعضاء التناسلية الأخرى؟
بشكل عام ، يمكن إجراء تكبير البقعة جي جنبًا إلى جنب مع تجميل المهبل أو تجميل الشفرين أو البظر. نظرًا لأن جماليات البظر وشد المهبل لهما تأثير على المتعة الجنسية ، فإن بعض المرضى يفضلون الخضوع لإجراءات متزامنة.
ما هو تأثير عملية G Spot Augmentation؟
غالبية مواد الحشو المستخدمة في هذه العملية هي بشكل عام مواد تحتوي على حمض الهيالورونيك. على الرغم من أن هذه المواد تتأيض تلقائيًا بمرور الوقت ، إلا أنها يمكن أن تضيع. تتراوح هذه الفترة في حشوات حمض الهيالورونيك بين 4-10 أشهر تقريبًا.
ما هي مدة استمرار تأثير G-Shot؟
علاج البقع G هي عملية تتكرر على فترات منتظمة. اعتمادًا على مادة الحشو المستخدمة ، تستمر فعالية العملية لمدة 4-9 أشهر. في النهاية ، تكرر هذه العملية من قبل النساء لما لها من فوائد تضيفها إلى حياة المرأة.